
DynamicWeb resumes strategic danish partnership with Columbus


We are pleased to announce that we have resumed a 20-year-old strategic partnership with the IT consultancy Columbus as part of their major reboot in the Danish market.

Together with Columbus, which has the largest digital commerce department in the Nordic region, we are reigniting a Danish partnership that was initiated 20 years ago. Times and premises for digital commerce and digital services have changed, which is why Columbus has stepped up their digital commerce efforts, and we are pleased that a renewed partnership will be an important part of their commerce business.

The partnership is now strengthened by, among other things, utilising the synergies between Columbus' customer base and position in the market as well as our innovative approach to digital commerce - thus ensuring that customers do not have multiple suppliers in their everyday lives, but rather a complete package:

In the early 2000s, Columbus' collaboration with us was primarily focused on offering e-commerce as an additional layer to their customers' solutions, but this was not their main focus. Now Columbus has changed strategy and integrated e-commerce deep into their core business. The shift makes it ideal for us to revitalise our collaboration. Many of the customers who started with Columbus are still loyal to us. 

Christian Beer, CEO and co-founder of DynamicWeb

More than just a renewal

With an industrial development towards 'Composable' solutions, Columbus sees the collaboration as a crucial factor in their ability to meet the changing needs of customers and strengthen their position in digital commerce in the Danish market.

With this revitalising collaboration, we get a partner that not only possesses in-depth competences, but also an efficient approach to the market. We have two companies that know the market well and at the same time have a global outlook and can deliver to global organisations.

Our revitalisation of the partnership with DynamicWeb is more than just a renewal; it is a strategic and tactical decision that reflects our shared vision to deliver integrated and efficient solutions to our customers. With our extensive experience and existing customer base, combined with DynamicWeb's approach, we see a strong synergy that will benefit our customers in the long run. The partnership is a step in consolidating our role as a leader in digital transformation

Jesper Neergaard Paustian, Vice President of Digital Commerce at Columbus

About Columbus

Columbus is a global consultancy specialising in digital transformation. They offer a comprehensive portfolio of own and partner-based solutions and have perhaps the best digital advisors, specialists and project managers in the industry. T

hey are known for their deep industry, business and process understanding combined with extensive knowledge of the latest digital technologies and solutions. Columbus are experts in designing, developing, implementing, upgrading, maintaining and operating business-critical applications that ensure the success of organisations. Columbus has experience from and with many different industries and functions, and has proven our ability to deliver solid value creation over the last 30 years in 9,000 projects for 1,100 customers globally.

Visit the Columbus partnerpage here.