A new prestigious retail win for DynamicWeb APAC and BHG Singapore
DynamicWeb recently secured another great retail win with a commerce solution delivered to BHG Singapore. The solution won the Retail Award at the Singapore International Business Awards, which honors exceptional international businesses.

BHG Singapore is Singapore’s leading department store and operates one online store and four physical stores across the country
As part of its continuous efforts for business development, BHG is undergoing a significant digital transformation.
As a dedicated advisor for retail excellence, Simon Tan of DynamicWeb APAC led a team of exceptional consultants that was engaged to implement a unified commerce solution for BHG Singapore to speed up their digital transformation efforts.
BHG Singapore wanted to do much more than just go online or implement advanced technology tools. They wanted to evolve into a new business model and a unified commerce solution from Dynamicweb made it possible for them to launch their new strategy and visions for the future retail experience in Singapore.
BHG Singapore is now able to provide its customers with a Click and Collect experience where their customers can fulfill their order and, if needed, they can pick up their order in one store, another product in another, and get the rest delivered.
DynamicWeb allowed BHG to offer the same flagship product experience in their smaller stores by introducing the endless aisle concept. In addition, DynamicWeb introduced effortless check-outs, where customers can make their purchase whenever ready, at any spot of the store, skipping the traditional cashier queue and being served by staff with mobile point-of-sale.
Most importantly, BHG Singapore’s customer basket size grew by 17% coupled with a 3.5% increase in purchase conversion rate after implementing aforementioned innovative customer solutions including 'lift-and-learn' and mobile point-of-sale systems.
BHG converted its legacy systems and adopted a unified and interconnected systems approach, allowing them to move toward the next phase of their transformation. BHG Singapore now plans to introduce AI software for hyper-personalization, merge online and offline channels with concepts such as virtual stores, introduce predictive analytics and build an ecosystem around the concept of a platform as a business model all using the DynamicWeb platform as a foundation.
About DynamicWeb
DynamicWeb offers a cloud-based eCommerce Suite. It enables customers to deliver better digital customer experiences and to scale eCommerce success through Content Management, Digital Marketing, eCommerce, and Product Information Management solutions.
DynamicWeb's 300+ partners, 200+ employees in offices all around the globe are proud to support well over 4,000 brands, which includes leading brands like Lego Wear, Vredestein, Unilever, Winnebago, L'Oréal, Flying Tiger, Toyota, Europcar, and Skanska. Built on DynamicWeb, these customers are empowered to gain lifelong customer relations, increase revenue and grow their brands.