Why Your eCommerce Needs Cloud Hosting & Cloud Monitoring
Cloud hosting and cloud monitoring is a hot topic these days. See why you should considering it for your eCommerce store today.
Over the last decade, the way businesses operate has changed dramatically. Businesses that once operated entirely on-premise with large capital investments in their technology infrastructure now outsource those headaches to datacenters. In 2021, 74% of enterprises worldwide report using cloud hosting and infrastructure services.
Cloud hosting services are useful to many organizations, but they are not devoid of challenges. In fact, among surveyed managers, technical executives, and cloud technology users, security challenges are cited as the greatest concern, followed by cloud management, resources, expertise, and cost. To address these concerns, cloud monitoring is needed.

What is cloud hosting and cloud monitoring?
Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting is an online solution for uniting applications, data, programs, and websites in a virtual server. With cloud hosting, data is no longer bound to a specific device or location. Because servers are virtualized and secured in highly specialized datacenters, cloud hosting outstrides the capabilities of a centralized approach with increased availability, scalability, agile load response, and improved security. Many enterprises and endeavors can benefit from cloud hosting.
Cloud Monitoring
Cloud monitoring is a reviewing and managing service that oversees cloud processes. To verify that a cloud is operational, the monitoring services can follow manual or automated inspections. Cloud monitoring includes reviewing data across multiple locations, systematically conducting audits to ensure security standards are met, eliminating potential violations, and merging cloud monitoring tools provided by different entities.
Why is cloud monitoring essential in an eCommerce environment?
Cloud monitoring is important for any business hosting their technology in the cloud, but it’s critical in an eCommerce scenario. If the servers go down, so does your entire storefront. Cloud monitoring is also responsible for maintaining cloud hosting quality standards and ensuring your eCommerce customer experiences are fast and fluid.
Plus, data breaches are on the rise. Cybersecurity breaches can compromise both businesses and customers. Cloud monitoring simplifies the process of risk detection, automatically scanning for security gaps and possible vulnerabilities. If a concern is identified, the cloud monitoring system alerts the network so that safety measures can be taken.
Cloud monitoring offers comprehensive evaluations of the cloud hosting platform, the content, and itself. The quality control processes are also self-reflective so that the likelihood of leaks is reduced, and the usage bandwidth is responsive to the traffic. When cloud usage changes, the cloud space can adjust as well. This ensures that the cloud utilization is optimized to be as cost-effective as possible.
Why Dynamicweb hosts eCommerce in Microsoft Azure
As of 2021, 50% of the corporate data worldwide is stored in the cloud. According to the 2020 Cloud Security Report, 68% of companies are most concerned about misconfiguration, 58% of companies are concerned about unauthorized access, 52% of companies are concerned about insecure interfaces, and 50% of companies are concerned about account hijacking.
A comprehensive cloud hosted solution can address security concerns and offer many additional benefits for your business.
That’s why Dynamicweb offers a true cloud eCommerce solution that manages all of the technical aspects such as hosting, licensing, and monitoring. With Dynamicweb as your cloud hosting and monitoring partner, you have the peace of mind knowing your environment is properly configured, optimized and secured in the world’s most trusted cloud, Microsoft Azure. Adjustments can be seamlessly deployed in real-time to scale with your website traffic. Dynamicweb offers hosting, as well as monitoring of the server availability, application, and integration points. All of the components of your eCommerce solution are managed by a single provider, Dynamicweb, who is your one and only point of contact.
Read the cloud hosting & monitoring solution highlights >
Of course, for businesses that prefer to host their own solution and manage their infrastructure, Dynamicweb offers that option, as well. The flexibility to deploy your way is one of the reasons enterprises with complex technology or security requirements choose Dynamicweb to drive eCommerce.
To learn more about Dynamicweb cloud monitoring, check out our on-demand webinar here.
Learn how your company can drive eCommerce with agility and peace-of-mind with Dynamicweb.