
Getting Your Site to Market Quickly with Rapido


With Dynamicweb’s Rapido your organization can easily create and publish a suitable site in a fraction of the time it might usually take.

A captivating, compelling website is vital to attracting clients to your business, and keeping them engaged. One study by researcher Elizabeth Sillence found that 94 percent of the people who distrusted certain websites did so because of the design. Getting a well-made site up and running is key, but, for many businesses, the time it takes is prohibitive. With Dynamicweb’s Rapido, however, your organization can easily create and publish a suitable site in a fraction of the time it might usually take.

Rapido as a Solution

Using Rapido, the majority of your website design and layout can now be accomplished with configurable options. There is no programming required, making web design incredibly accessi-ble. Brand colors, standard font families, and logos are all configurable based on a style guide, providing a lot of flexibility to meet most design requirements. Base colors and layouts like menu structures, text settings, button styles, and page functionality transfer across the entire site through changes in one area, so the overall look and feel of the site falls into place quickly.
When it comes to populating content, Rapido enables the use of page and paragraph templates across homepages, contact pages, news and blog pages, maps and dynamic articles, to again match the look and feel of the brand.
It is more of an investment than some other tools, but it’s a great platform for those who can af-ford it and for those who have found ways to shift their budgets to accommodate this invest-ment and its impressive return. 

Rapido and E-Commerce

With Rapido, organizations have a platform for rapid implementation and prototyping for e-commerce. There’s no longer a need to depend on developer skills and support, with a focus on configuration over coding. Your organization can choose from layout designs and configure:
  • product lists
  • detail pages
  • navigation
  • checkout 
  • mobile layout and navigation.
Your company can also add image filters, extend search capabilities, design brand-specific news-letters, events, and content downloads, and overall improve time to market. At the same time, therefore, it can reduce risk and development time. The result is an integrated e-commerce solution that is ready to adopt from a configurable set. 
Even if Rapido is currently out of your budgetary reach, we encourage you to explore the solu-tion and reach out with any questions. It never hurts to dream big and start putting goals into place.
There’s not one solution that is perfect for any company, as each organization has its concerns, goals, pain points, budget considerations, and skillsets. Our team is dedicated to working with clients to find the platform, or platforms, and add-ons, that make the most of resources. Whether that solution involves Rapido or another system, we’re here to help so you can enjoy an excellent return on your investment.
Email our team at to learn more about Dynamicweb, Rapido, and how our business solutions work to make your organization effective, efficient, productive, and competitive.