
12 eCommerce Pricing Strategies to Consider for Your Online Store


Learn about the importance of eCommerce pricing strategies, review 12 pricing strategy ideas, and learn how to fast-track implementation.

In the highly competitive eCommerce market, the pricing strategy a brand deploys will play a significant role in the business's success. Some brands can rely upon the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRPs) or a cost-plus pricing strategy that calculates total cost and then adds a markup for profit. However, these traditional approaches to pricing may or may not align with how the brand needs to be perceived. 

When customers see prices, they don't think about the production costs. Instead, customers think about what the product is worth to them. If the pricing matches their expectations, customers will likely stay on their carts and bounce to the competition. In the eCommerce landscape that is hyperfocused on delivering the best brand experiences, companies need to think beyond the bottom line and approach pricing with reputation in mind. 

Let's dive into the world of eCommerce pricing strategies. 

What do we mean by eCommerce pricing strategy? 

An eCommerce pricing strategy is more than just a mathematical formula. It is the approach businesses use to price their products that considers production costs, revenue goals, lifetime customer value, average order value, and more. Pricing strategies can significantly impact sales, profitability, customer perception, and overall market positioning. The sweet spot with pricing strategies is found when the prices are high enough to turn profits, but not so high that a business loses customers. 

Considerations for your eCommerce pricing strategy 

Pricing strategies vary widely, and not all are right for all businesses or products. For example, commanding a luxury price requires a deep understanding of your customers, your market, and an exceptional customer experience, which may not be practical for some product categories. Ultimately, the pricing strategy must align with your overall business strategy and empower you to meet your goals. 

A successful eCommerce pricing strategy: 

  • Allows a business to set competitive and profitable prices
  • Attracts and retains customers
  • Ensures the sustainability of an eCommerce business
  • Distinguishes the brand from the competition
  • Minimizes returns and reduces chargebacks

12 eCommerce pricing strategies to consider

There are many ways to go about pricing products or services. Depending on business goals, multiple pricing strategies can be layered into a single approach. Here are the most common pricing strategies to consider: 

  1. Cost-Plus Pricing: By far the simplest pricing strategy, cost-plus pricing determines selling prices by calculating the cost of producing or acquiring a product and then adding a markup percentage.
  2. Competitive Pricing: This approach uses competition as the main point of reference. Businesses analyze competitor prices and can choose to undercut, match, or upsell depending on goals and value propositions.
  3. Dynamic Pricing: The strategy involves adjusting prices in real-time or periodically based on demand, competitor prices, and other market conditions. 
  4. Penetration Pricing: Penetration pricing sets a lower initial price to quickly gain recognition and market share. After a promotional period or once the product is established, the price is increased. 
  5. Bundle Pricing: With bundle pricing, brands offer multiple products at a discounted price. 
  6. Value-Based Pricing: In value-based pricing, the products are priced based on the customer's perceived value. This approach requires extensive market research and a deep understanding of the target audience's desires. 
  7. Tiered Pricing: This strategy offers multiple product versions at different price points (e.g., basic, premium, and pro versions). 
  8. Discount Pricing: Discount pricing is one of the most popular pricing strategies, and it is effective at driving volume and clearing out inventory. In the discount pricing approach, prices are temporarily reduced for occasions such as seasonal sales, Black Friday deals, or clearance sales.
  9. Decoy Pricing: Decoy pricing aims to influence buyers towards a particular purchase by pricing select products in a way that makes others appear more attractive. 
  10. Loss Leader: In this approach, a product is priced below market cost to encourage other sales of more profitable goods or services.
  11. Geographic Pricing: As the name implies, geographic pricing involves setting prices based on the location of the customer. Geographic pricing is typically used to account for factors like shipping costs, local market conditions, and currency differences.
  12. Membership or Subscription Pricing: These approaches are popular and involve charging customers on a recurring basis for continued access to a product or service.

Implementing new pricing strategies in your eCommerce store

It can be challenging to choose the best eCommerce pricing strategies for your business. However, once the decisions are made, the work is not over. For many businesses, it is no small task to implement eCommerce pricing strategies.

Let’s explore your current pricing and eCommerce strategies to see where you might be able to improve profitability in today’s competitive eCommerce market.  Contact DynamicWeb today.