B2B eCommerce trends report for 2024

Uncover the key trends and insights driving B2B eCommerce in 2024. Learn how leading organizations are leveraging eCommerce to stay competitive and meet customer demands.

B2B customers in 2024 want more for less. They seek better quality and service on a tighter budget. They demand easy access to technical information without spending hours on the phone or in sales meetings. They want a consumer-grade purchase experience for complex, niche, business-to-business offerings.

If you're a decision-maker in a B2B organization yet to delve deeply into eCommerce, this report is a must-read.

This year’s B2B eCommerce Trends Report surveyed over 400 B2B professionals in the US and Europe to understand the role eCommerce plays in broader business strategies. The findings demonstrate how far eCommerce is now embedded in leading firms’ sales and marketing activities. They uncover a market harnessing eCommerce technology to break down internal data siloes, drive consistency online and offline, and offer B2B customers the personalized experiences they demand today

Don't miss out on these insights. Download our report today to learn how your organization can stay ahead of the competition in 2024 and beyond.