andersen & nielsen
100-year-old trading company chooses DynamicWeb PIM and eCommerce
andersen & nielsen had a PIM system that they were not fully utilizing. They didn't have an overview of which features they actually needed in their product data enrichment work.

andersen & nielsen has over 100 years developed into a trading company with more than 10,000 item numbers within professional tools.
The Challenge
andersen & nielsen wanted to move away from their previous Umbraco solution
A lot of internal resources were being spent on the system, which resulted in an increased focus on operations and maintenance instead of investing in developing value-added features to drive digital growth in the future.
In addition, they were stuck with a solution that was difficult to upgrade, and when it was finally upgraded, almost all content had to be set up from scratch. andersen & nielsen wanted to get away from the manual processes of maintaining their content and instead get a solution that could automatically move content to any new upgrade in the future.
In other words, their biggest challenge was that they were not agile and adaptable enough on their previous platform. They wanted to change that!

The Solution
andersen & nielsen's new solution is built on a DynamicWeb all in one platform
Twoday's recommendation to andersen & nielsen, based on their business and their digital ambitions, was a no-brainer: They needed a DynamicWeb Commerce Suite with standard templates and PIM to support their work with product data.
With DynamicWeb PIM, andersen & nielsen could still access many of the same data fields they used to enrich their products in the previous PIM system. The difference is that they now have an overview of which data fields they want to display on their website, streamlining the internal processes of product data enrichment.
The advantage of having both DynamicWeb CMS and PIM in the same platform is that the integration between the two systems is less complex and faster to get up and running.
The Result
One unified and intuitive e-commerce platform that ties all processes together
With DynamicWeb, andersen & nielsen gets what they want most: a standard solution with a range of value-adding features to fulfill their digital ambitions.
They have a solution that connects the company's website, PIM system and ERP system and strengthens the flow of data between the systems. With a DynamicWeb PIM system, the company has gathered their product data in one central location and can display the right product data on their website. Twoday helped them map out their work with product data so they can get the most out of the new system and eliminate all unnecessary manual workflows.
DynamicWeb CMS makes it easy for users without a technical background to create exciting and content-rich content pages on the website. With their DynamicWeb solution, andersen & nielsen can easily add a webshop module in the future, allowing them to sell directly to their customers via the website. This is a standard feature in Dynamicweb - and Twoday prefers to work standard with our customers, so they don't tie themselves to heavy custom-coded solutions!
Twoday has worked closely with andersen & nielsen to find a solution that makes them more agile and adaptable on their future digital journey.
In short, the solution has given andersen & nielsen:
- A standard CMS platform where they have become more agile and self-driving
- A PIM system that better suits their needs and goals
- A platform that is easier to upgrade in the future
- A user-friendly website that serves as an online product catalog for their customers

B2B, CMS, PIM, e-handel, Engros, Dynamics NAV