
Three Critical Updates for Your Online Webshop


We look at ways to optimize and improve your e-commerce website, whether that means minor touch-ups or major renovations.

1. Update Your Product Pages.

First, take a look at what you’re actually offering. Are all images representative of the products that you sell, including up to the most recent model? The product descriptions also require change when additional features are introduced to newer models. And while you’re checking out the product pages on your online webshop, make sure that all pricing is up-to-date. Posting discounts that have long expired is a quick way to frustrate a price-conscious customer.

Inventory is another detail to keep an eye on. We recommend integrating your CMS with your ERP, so that your product pages always stay updated with your current stock. Also, take a look to make sure that all the products on your online webshop are still items that you plan on selling. It comes off poorly to potential customers if you have outdated product pages or broken links to items you haven’t sold in five years.

2. Update Your Content.

The best thing about a quality CMS is how easy it is to update. All your content is right there at the tips of your typing fingers, so you’ve got no excuse to leave your content languishing. If you’re not updating your blog or other content, there’s no time to start like the present. Relevant content boosts SEO and drives traffic to your online webshop.

Nobody visits a ghost town. Content marketing fills up your town with interesting places to visit and things to see. Do you have videos? WhitepapersCase studies? Whatever your content, keep it flowing and keep it up to date. A blog referencing the Bush presidency might not still be relevant.

3. Update Your Landing Pages.

If you’re going to be advertising and linking potential customers back to your online webshop, then it’s best to have updated landing pages. But don’t update them just because. Update landing pages based on how efficiently they convert.

With analytics like A/B testing, you know which landing page does the best job. Try changing your headline or call-to-action on one landing page, and that page might prove to convert 5% better than your old landing page. Keep updating and keep testing, constantly improving in the process. 

Curation is key. eCommerce needs cultivation to grow. And if you nurture your online webshop, you open the door of opportunity for your business to grow as well. Keeping product pages up-to-date, content relevant, and landing pages efficient is as easy as Spring cleaning if you’ve got a quality CMS to work with.

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